With already 160 years of existence, the Savonnerie Fer à Cheval carries on a recipe passed down to each new generation of master soap-makers. Fer à Cheval's soap factory, firmly rooted in living heritage, is proud to continue to craft a key product in Marseille culture with respect for tradition, attention to detail and a great deal of love.
Saponification takes place in old cauldrons according to a traditional method, manufactured in five steps: pasting, graining out, boiling, washing and liquidation. These five steps are the reason for the iconic soap's renown.
Fer à Cheval is one of the founders of the UPSM (Union des Professionnels du Savon de Marseille), literally Union of Marseille Soap Professionals, which strives for the certification of authentic Marseille soap.
This logo guarantees a soap made:
• exclusively from plant-based oils, without chemical additives, preservatives, or fragrance
• in cauldrons according to the ancestral, 5-step, Marseille process
• in Marseille.